Amateur Radio

My station

My station currently consists of the following equipment:

--HF high-power station is a Kenwood TS-940 SAT and Kenwood TL-922A linear amplifier
--HF high-power station is a Kenwood TS-940 SAT and Kenwood TL-922A linear amplifier
--HF digital station is a Yaesu FTDX-1200 with Signalink USB interface
--HF/VHF/UHF station is a Yaesu FT-857
--For CW I usually use Bencher BY-2 iambic paddles into a homebrew memory keyer, but I also have old Brown Bros. BTL-A paddles that I still enjoy using. For SSB I use a Heil PS6 headset or Heil mics mounted on booms. 
--Antennas are a Hustler 5-BTV multiband vertical and an inverted-V for 80 meters, with a Cushcraft A3S on a short tower (hopefully) coming soon.


About me


I was first licensed as KC6QOO in 1991 as a Novice. Later upgraded to General and then Advanced, when I got the new call KN6MV. Claimed the vanity callsign W6DVS and upgraded to Extra in 2010. My main areas of interest are DX and contesting.